Happy New Year!

Hey, just a wee note to say Happy New Year and give everyone a heads up on the impending work at Little Belmont Street. We will be closing from the 8th of January until 10am on the Friday the 13th (kilau’s 8th Birthday!!) Whilst we are closed, we will be mostly doing painting and plumbing and trying to smarten up those pesky toilets. We are hoping that 2012 will be a great year for kilau, we got confirmation of our building warrant for the high street shop in mid december, so we are hoping to start work on the upstairs early January too!

I hope this year brings everyone what they hope for, and look forward to seeing you in one of the shops soon.

c xx


I have been wondering why the post about Friday nights gig was sitting at the top of the blog. Had somehow managed to make it “sticky”. I think I’ve fixed it now. This is really just a quick post to see…

So this is not a wasted post, I tried my hand at latte “etching” today. Made some kind of wierd catface thing…


What a lark!

– Eion