A big day!

Good morning!

Well! Yesterday was a good day indeed! We *finally* got the news we’d been waiting for from our architect. The proposals for the kitchen layout in the new shop have been approved by the council! Hurrah! This means we can get cracking!! While we’re not quite there with an opening date, this take us a massive step closer!

Good times.

Also, Louise has been practicing her latte art and is getting rather good!

Louise's latte art

I’ll be posting some photos from the exhibition opening soon!

– Eion


I have been wondering why the post about Friday nights gig was sitting at the top of the blog. Had somehow managed to make it “sticky”. I think I’ve fixed it now. This is really just a quick post to see…

So this is not a wasted post, I tried my hand at latte “etching” today. Made some kind of wierd catface thing…


What a lark!

– Eion