Easter opening hours at kilau on campus

photo pinched from Amanda!

From Monday 29th March to Friday 16th April our opening hours will be:

Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

Saturday 10am – 5pm

We’ll be back to usual opening hours from Monday 19th April!

– Eion

No excuses.

Well it’s been a funny old time of late and my neglect of this blog, of Twitter and other such interweb activities continues. Inexcusable.

This is just a quick post to say that kilau, little belmont street will be closed from 6pm Saturday 27th March until lunch time Monday 29th March. There are a few things happening this weekend; there will be a new exhibition of work by Sarah J. Stanley gracing our walls, and there will also be a refit of our kitchen with (hopefully) the introduction of a couple of new menu items!

Busy times!

– Eion

New Exhibition at Kilau

A new exhibition of work by Sarah J. Stanley.

Monday 29th March to Saturday 22nd May.

BUY and the supersonic ad campaign featuring product A

You know you want to buy ‘product A’. Actually you don’t, but you will after you have seen The Supersonic Ad Campaign’s work and seen ‘BUY’-a straight talking painting. What product A is you will know, in your heart, and you will receive supporting products to remind you of your awesome choice and make you feel happier and more fulfilled.
‘BUY and the supersonic as campaign featuring product A’ is a show of film work, drawing and painting by artist Sarah J Stanley.
sarah j stanley works in aberdeen as an artist and musician. graduating from art school in 2006 with a BA(hons) in fine art she has since gone on to start the art initiative project slogan, and shows work in galleries around the UK and beyond.